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Test Automation 101: (5) Pushing the Robot Framework Project to GitHub

Vince Reyes Tech
3 min readFeb 25, 2024

In the previous three articles, we did the following:

  • Set up our workspace.
  • Captured HTML elements.
  • Created Keywords and Tests.
  • Applied a Project Structure.

We have a functional Robot Framework Test Case. Ensuring the source code is easily manageable when working on a project with a team is crucial. In this situation, a remote repository is handy, providing a location for storing our automated test cases.

Now, we will push our current project into GitHub using Visual Studio Code.

Before the following steps, create first an account in GitHub. It is straightforward. Once done, proceed to step one.

Step 1: Tell Git who you are

Open Terminal and run the following commands:

git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"

*Note: Make sure you replace the email and name with your details.

Step 2: Publish to GitHub from Visual Studio Code

Go to ‘Source Control’ and click ‘Publish to GitHub’.

You may get a pop-up like this:

Click ‘Allow’. You will be redirected to the GitHub sign-in page to authenticate. Just follow the procedure, and once you are done, you will be directed back to Visual Studio Code.

You will see two options when publishing: private or public. Either is fine, it’s totally up to you. But I’ll be choosing public so I can share the code with future readers of this tutorial series.

If you see a prompt asking to select which files you should include in the repository, uncheck the ‘.venv’ folder since it is intended for your local machine only. Then click ‘OK’.

You should get a notification on the lower-right portion of the screen saying your project was successfully published.

Step 3: Verify if you can see your project in GitHub repositories

If you can see the files, you successfully published your project to GitHub! Amazing progress.

The following tutorial will provide a way to remotely run your test automation scripts.

