Photo by Rock’n Roll Monkey on Unsplash

Test Automation 101 using Robot Framework

Vince Reyes Tech
2 min readApr 4, 2022

The demand for test automation skills is increasing in the tech industry. Using test automation, companies can build products of higher quality in less time and at lower costs.

Target Audience

As automation becomes more common, traditional QA Engineers must keep up with the trend. However, some people might need help acquiring the technical skills necessary for test automation.


This tutorial series, called Test Automation 101, is designed for people currently working in a Software QA role who need more practical knowledge and experience in Test Automation. It is also suitable for fresh IT graduates who want to work in the QA/Test Automation field. This tutorial series is an ideal starting point for beginners.

It is written in a simple format, making it easy to understand, and the technical details provided are just enough to help readers get started.

We will follow a “learn by doing” approach to get the most out of this tutorial series. Make sure to complete the activities designed to give readers hands-on experience.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

To get started, follow the topics in sequence. If you need help, feel free to comment; I will respond as soon as possible.


  1. Setting up your Workspace — Simple and Easy
  2. Capturing HTML elements on the Web page
  3. Creating Keywords and Tests in Robot Framework
  4. Applying a Project Structure
  5. Pushing Robot Framework Project to GitHub
  6. Running Robot Framework in GitHub Actions

Happy learning. Cheers!

